The great philosopher and Jedi Master, Yoda, once
said, “Do or Do not. There is no try.” That in a nutshell is the difference
between Dreamers and Doers. The above quote was given when Luke Skywalker only dreamed
of being a Jedi Knight and was struggling with putting in the work it required.
When asked to get his fighter jet out of the muck he simply said, “Ok. I’ll
try.” It even goes deeper with him, though. Just moments before, Yoda reprimands
him for being so negative saying, “Always with you it cannot be done.” Only
when Young Skywalker decided his dream meant more to him than his comfort did
he move from being just a Dreamer to becoming a Doer.
Often times we hear people say things like, “When I
win the lottery…” or “If only I were rich…” But they never play the lottery or
put themselves in the position to become rich. They are simply dreamers. There
are many who dream of becoming a movie star or American Idol winner but never
go to a single audition for either, they just sit back and dream, taking no action
to accomplish them.
Have you ever woken up and thought, “That was a
great dream. I wish I could remember what it was.” Then you go back to sleep hoping
to re-capture it but you don’t….it’s gone. Dreams can be stolen from us because
we simply wake up from our sleep. The same could be said with the dreams you
have for your life. They can be stolen when you are awoken back to the “real
There are many dream stealers in our lives. It can
be those family and friends who say to you, “Why are you doing this? Why don’t
you just get a regular job and start enjoying life?!” Never realizing it’s because
of your dream you do enjoy life. Have you ever told someone your dream only to
have them look at you like you’re being silly or childish? They are dream
stealers. However, I think the one of the biggest dream stealers is our own “Lack
of Commitment.”
Larry the Cable Guy, tells a story of
when he was starting off as a comedian and getting known via the radio. He said
in an interview that after a show when the other comics would go out to party,
he would retreat to his hotel room and write new material not only for his
stand-up routine but for his radio spots which were beginning to be heard
around the country. Today, according to Forbes, Larry is one of the Top-Earning
Comedians of 2013 and it’s because he’s not just a Dreamer but a Doer.
Accomplishing your dream requires effort, hard work
and a commitment to it. You must be willing to do and doing, many times, comes
with sacrifice. So today, my question for you is this, Are you simply a Dreamer
or are you a Doer?
“Do or Do not. There is no try.”
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