Everyone desires success. Our definition of what success
looks like may differ but we all want it. Maybe you define it as riches in the
bank and a mansion on a hill or perhaps just a comfortable living would be
success to you. A nice family with kids who do well in school or simply a happy
life is how you would define it. Regardless of your definition, you want it, we
all do and it’s nothing to be ashamed of nor should you feel guilty to want it.
Success is a good thing. It’s our definition that sometimes gets out of whack
or its all consuming pursuit that causes ulcers but overall it is ok to have
success. Bookshelves are filled by authors, each with secrets on how to achieve
it, regardless of the definition.
So I've been thinking about this a lot lately and decided
there isn't just one formula for success because definitions vary. The areas in
which it can be achieved are just as numerous and requires a different matrix
to quantify true success. Although there may be some similarities or areas
where each overlaps, you can’t just have one formula or step by step process
because it’s just too much.
However, I’m going to offer up what I think will help you achieve
success. Although you may be able to apply some of it to several areas, I have a
specific area in mind but you must decide where and how it may or may not apply
to you. I will in no way tell you, “If you do this you will be a success.” No
blog, article or book should boast of such a claim. This subject isn't like
some gourmet meal you can achieve simply by following a recipe. However here is
my two cents worth on the subject, apply what you can to where you can or just
toss it, which also may be your first step to great success. Here it goes.
DREAM. We are only limited by the size of our dreams. If you
dream small you will achieve small and if you dream big you’re bound to achieve
big things.
WRITE. Yep, write. Whether its journals, poems or just three
pages in the morning where your mind is flowing to your pen just jotting down what’s
there, just write. All the greats do it.
FOCUS. This helps you set goals to achieve whatever kind of
success you are seeking to achieve.
DEVELOP. This area encompasses a large area but mainly I am
talking about you. Develop yourself mentally, spiritually and your skills
needed to gain the success you seek.
EFFORT. Simply put, nothing worth having ever came about
without putting forth the effort it took to achieve it.
PROMOTE. This is self
explanatory. I was told I was in the self-promotion business more than anything
else and as a comic very true.
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