Friday, February 7, 2014

SUPERHERO BOXERS: Finding your strengths.

I was packing for yet another trip to make people laugh for the weekend and came across some interesting items in my suitcase that got me to thinking. As I was packing my boxers, I noticed I have a lot of superhero shorts, Justice League, Batman & Superman but it got me considering strengths. Each of the Justice League members have their own set of strengths which make them unique and valuable members, yet each can stand on their own to battle the largest of foes. The Flash has his speed, Batman his wits and Superman, well he’s the Man of Steel for goodness sakes. Then I started to consider my own strengths? What do I have to contribute? If I have any, how can I use them to my advantage?

Marcus Buckingham wrote the book, Now, Discover Your Strengths which discusses this very idea. His premise is everyone has strengths but often times spend too much time developing weakness rather than putting energy into where they are the strongest. His words resonated with me, especially when he said our weaknesses will never become our strengths. Very profound statement, especially when you consider where you place all of your energies. Too many of us place our energies into our weakness seeking to make them our strengths. All this does is lead us into frustration, discouragement and a lack of confidence in ourselves.

Consider placing that same energy into your strengths and see if that will take you farther than you have ever been. The first step is to see where your strengths are. Think about what you are good at and you will most likely notice it’s where you have found the most satisfaction. Remember however, to truly be honest with yourself about this step, for it is the foundation to finding your success. An example of this would be me wanting to sing. Anyone who knows me knows I love music, especially Country Music, but I don’t have even a thimble full talent for this. No matter how much I tried when I was younger, I am just not good. Think about what would happen if I just kept expending energy in developing my singing. Here is what would happen. I may get better but it will always be a weakness and never a strength of mine. So my only course of action is to be honest with myself and discover my strengths then focus my energies into making them stronger.

As I examine my life, I discovered my strengths lie in my abilities to talk and write. I have always been able to stand on a stage and perform be it a speech or doing comedy. I am at home there so it’s a strength of mine. I have also developed a sense of writing to which I have been published on several occasions. Does this mean I am great every time? Of course not, because I have my lazy days just like anyone else where I just “mail it in.” Knowing I have a tendency to procrastinate I have to protect my strengths from this kryptonite. In order to do this I have decided, in my personal life, I am going to focus on my strengths to make them stronger and just not worry about my areas of weakness. Everyone, especially me, will be better served.

So I encourage you to go now, discover your strengths and then reach for the stars. You can do it.

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